America the Beautiful - National Park Pass Review
You may or may not have heard of the National Park Pass, and if you haven’t, this is the place to get all the information you can! We have had the National Park Pass each year since 2016. I honestly don’t remember where or when we heard about it, but I am so glad we did. I would say there are many pros to purchasing this pass, but obviously some cons as well, so here is a list of all the PROS and CONS for the American the Beautiful National Park Pass:
Ultimate Travel Guide to the Coastal Region of Alabama
Alabama is home to 420 plus species of birds. This blew me away when I discovered this. I had no idea Alabama was such a hot spot for migrating birds. The coastal region is huge for birds making their way up from Central and South America. Alabama’s coastal region is a lot of these birds first stop after they cross the gulf coast. This allows for amazing wildlife viewing and exceptional nature to view them in. Here are some of our favorite spots to see these amazing birds:
Colchuck Lake Hiking Guide
The trail begins by winding through a forest of coniferous trees, is very well defined, and begins to gradually ascend. As you continue about a mile, you will see a beautiful bridge surrounded by trees and a creek
Tips for Planning the Perfect Cross Country Road Trip
Every trip has its ups and downs, it’s unexpected road blocks, u-turns, and so much more. No matter what happens, enjoy the experience with your friends and people you love!
Avalanche Peak Hiking Guide - Yellowstone National Park
The Avalanche Peak Trail is a popular hiking trail located in Yellowstone National Park, which is primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, but also extends into Montana and Idaho. Avalanche Peak is one of the prominent peaks in the park and offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. You can even see Grand Teton National Park from the peak. Here's some information about the trail:
Mount Baldy Hiking Guide - How to Hike Mount San Antonio
Mount Baldy, also known as Mount San Antonio, is one of the most popular and iconic peaks in Southern California. It's located within the Angeles National Forest. The mountain is famous for its challenging hikes, stunning views, and diverse ecosystems
We Did RV Life for a Month
I walked into my office one day and my Dad looked at me and said, “Son lets rent an RV and travel the US”